In general, I probably won't surprise you if I tell you that people shouldn't eat sweets, and shouldn't eat them at all. From the ingestion of sugar into the body...
Do you know why most Indians are chubby? After 30 years of life, they, both men and women, grow bellies and cheeks, and stay with them to the end.
The Evil Dietitian and the Good Dietitian
You can't have a cake or a burger at all, or can you if you really want to?
Did you know that nightshades are not so safe for our bodies? This group of vegetables contains a substance called solanine...
It is hard to overestimate the importance of the omega-3 fatty acid. One of its effects on the body is to prevent obesity.
To properly digest legumes and bring only good, soak them overnight before cooking.
If you're over 30 or 40, you've probably noticed that you don't look as great in pictures as you used to. And the culprit is a second chin, which sags treacherously here and there in photos. What to do about it?
Rawfood soups, especially in the summer, are the quickest, tastiest and healthiest thing you can treat yourself to. For example, Spanish gazpacho. It is based on tomatoes, spices, and vegetable oil mixed in a blender to make a smoothie.
If your joints hurt or are beginning to deform, simply remove salt from your diet for a month. After a month, check the results.